Red cross – edition of 13
Sorting through files and boxes of memorabilia at my family home in 2007, I stumbled upon an old pocket watch. It is the only item returned to my grandmother from the trenches of the First World War where her husband died at the Battle of the Somme. The watch face is damaged, the hands missing; eerily symbolizing the destructive power of war, the arrest of time.
It was the International Red Cross, which had returned the watch, reassuring the widow that her husband’s remains had been taken care of in a humane way amidst the turmoil of war. Her seven-year-old boy lived to become a surgeon, upholding the high ethical standards of the Hippocratic oath all his life. To me, his daughter, he passed on all his ideals and high hopes for a world in perpetual peace without agony and suffering. Today, 93 years after the Battle of the Somme, our world is still hurting and families all over the world are still mourning the loss of loved ones, killed in countless wars and conflicts; forgotten as quickly as the hands of their watches are moving; leaving behind memories of hopes lost.
In 1975 my husband was stuck in conflict-torn Angola. The now President of the International Red Cross made sure that he was able to leave safely. When we married in 1979, my husband and I decided to forego a big reception in favor of a donation to the International Red Cross. At the time the plight of the Vietnam Boat People was on the front page of every paper.
We knew very well that whatever we did would only be the proverbial drop in a bucket but we wanted to make a difference. We had a lot to be grateful for!
Visiting the „International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, Geneva“ brought all of the above back to my mind. I combined photographs taken at the Museum with images and writings of my own as well as religious and historical texts. The pages were printed on Epson Archival Matte Paper, Basis Weight 192g/qm. Fonts used were the appropriately named “Ambulance Shotgun” for quotations and texts and „Helvetica“ for introduction and colophon.
54 Pages, Printed on Epson Archival Matte Paper, hand bound with title printed in Red on cloth. Each copy of this limited edition is presented in a hand-sewn copy of a World War II Aid bag, made by the students of the „Ufficina“ in Samedan, Switzerland – an institution that provides work for handicapped people. The Aid Bag with the Book is laid into a stainless steel box with lid with an engraved Cross emblem and authors name on it. Limited Edition of Thirteen.
As of April 2011 the book “Red Cross” is also available as a trade edition through all major bookstores in Switzerland and Germany as well as through online bookstores and “bod”.
ISBN 978-3-9523669-0-5
Hardcover, 56 pages