Portrait by www.cdbphotos.com
«Although she has never practiced the law for which she was trained, Käumlen‘s choice of profession gives insight into her analytical and verbal skills. In her art she has the ability to frame, capture and uniquely present the image. Often she combines images with an insightful written analysis, in prose or poetry, which enhances the experience of the viewer.»
Having lived many years abroad, Viola Käumlen’s extensive travels have strongly influenced her artistic evolution as a photographer. People fascinate her the most and her images reflect her curiosity and wish to portray the cause and effect of what humans do -- where and how they live and their impact on their surroundings. In addition, nature is a source of energy from which she draws the strength and inspiration for her work.
To her photographs, Käumlen adds poetry and prose, bonding images and words to amplify the impact of her communication. She has created numerous photo series and artist books, both unique and editioned. She handles or oversees all aspects of the production, including digital preparation, printing and binding. A Swiss citizen, Käumlen maintains studios in the Engadin and in Basel.
Exhibitions & Résumé
Morteratsch. Leben und Sterben eines Gletschers.
Buchvernissage am Buchfestival «Zürich liest»
Moderation: Werner van Gent
Lesung: Katharina von Schoenaich
Musikalische Umrahmung: Thilo Wachter (Hang) & Corin Curschellas (Lieder)

Photo exhibition at the Basel Cathedral in conjunction with a series of events to further the awareness of Palliative Care, organized by the Association 'Mehr Leben’.

Palliative Centre Hildegard, Basel. 30 years jubilee. Photo exhibition in the Predigerkirche Basel in cooperation with the photographers Michel Matthey de l'Etang and Claudio Rasano.
Show of photographs and artist’s books at the German House of Goldsmiths in Hanau, Germany together with the painter Barbara Curstädt.

The German Newspaper “Frankfurter Rundschau” publishes an article about my latest book “Red Cross” on July 14th.
Monday Editions Show at Endicott College - An exhibition of artist‘s books and related materials by Mary McCarthy, Janine Wong, Mary Taylor, Dorothy Simpson Krause and Viola Käumlen, is at Endicott College‘s Heftler Visiting Artist Gallery in the Center for the Arts April 21 – August 19, 2011.
Now represented by Ursula Pecinska in her “Galerie für Kunst und Literatur”, Basel, Switzerland.
Completion of three limited edition artist books: “Red Cross”, “HIV” and “Firewalk”.
'Women Who Travel II' Show at Thayer Academy, Braintree, MA.
My encaustic work 'Cross' is included in the Group Show „Ancient Medium, N.E.W. (New England Wax) Terrain“ at the Art Complex Museum, Duxbury,MA.
Several images selected for the NRAS Festival
'Golden Pond', an image printed on satin-gold-coated aluminum has won ‚First Prize Mixed Media‘ at the NRAS Festival.
The NRAS Calendar 2009 is out - for the month November with my ‚Maple Leaves‘.
The Magazine „South Shore Living“ March 2008 features an article and photographs about my work.
The German Newspaper „Hanauer Anzeiger“ writes a full-page article about my life and work on January 12th.
15 images, artist books and poetry are part of the invitational show „Women who Travel“ at the South Shore Art Center
Cohasset, MA from Sept. 14th to Oct. 29th. Curator is Esther Maschio.
„Maple Leaves“, Mixed Media selected for the month of November 2009 in the „Calendar 2009“ exhibit at the GAR Hall,
Marshfield Hills, MA.
Two photos selected for the NRAS Festival in Marshfield Hills, juried.
The second edition of the book „Thoroughfare“ was published.
One image selected for the SSAC Member show in Cohasset.
Four photos selected for the NRAS Festival in Marshfield Hills, juried.
Artist Talk and Slide Presentation for the ‚Friends of Switzerland‘ at the Harvard Club of Boston about the „Frozen Worlds in the
Engadine“ on October 13th.
„Transient Visions“ Images and Poetry - a Solo Show at the G.A.R.Hall in Marshfield Hills, from Sept.11th to October 14th with an
Artist Talk/Slideshow, presented by the NRAS.
Two photos selected for the NRAS Festival in Marshfield Hills and one diptych for the SSAC Festival in Cohasset - both juried.
The book 'Frozen Worlds of the Engadin' has been published in December in Switzerland. Publisher: Walter Gammeter
Graphische Unternehmung, www.engadinerpost.ch St.Moritz AG, ISBN: 3-9520540-6-2.
It is available through bookstores in Europe. (Further information on availability in the US please contact me via e-mail)
First Prize Mixed Media, NRAS Festival, Marshfield Hill, MA, juried show
One Photo selected for a show at the South Shore Art Center Festival, Cohasset, MA, juried
Two Solo Shows in Pontresina, Switzerland of the series ‚Ice age‘
Best of Show in Photography, North River Arts Society Festival, Marshfield Hills, MA, juried
2 Digital Collages about Cambodia at the Gallery of Social + Political Art in Boston, MA, juried
Part of the ‚Macomber House Project‘ - a collaboration of Poetry, Photography and Digital Collage on the story of an old house in Massachusetts - together with the poet Ray Amorosi and Digital artist Dorothy Simpson Krause